Looking to film your nativity? Or hoping to stream your Words On Screen™ eSongbook across the school’s network? Whilst it is a legal requirement for schools to comply with copyright law, we know that teachers are busy, so we try to make the process of compliance as simple as possible.

We have covered the most common licences in the flow charts below, but if you can’t find the answer you’re looking for there, simply call our customer services team on 020 8481 7200 or email orders@outoftheark.com

For more detailed information view our Licence information page here.
How many DEVICES do you have/plan to have the eSongbook installed or streaming on?
See our FAQs below for definitions.
If you are at all unsure about which licence you need, please contact us.
Why is it important to have the correct licences?
Licences ensure that the writers of the songs receive royalties for the use of their songs. This pays them for their creative work and allows them to continue writing songs for schools and children to enjoy and benefit from!

It is also a legal requirement to have the correct licence in place for any licensable activity you are undertaking.
I have a CCLI Licence, doesn’t this cover me?
Your CCLI Licence covers you for the reproduction and projection of song lyrics. It does not cover you for the installation of our eSongbooks or for the continued use of them. This is what the Digital Site Licence is for and it is only purchasable directly from Out of the Ark Music.
What does 'installed' mean?
The Annual Digital Site Licence allows you to install (save to your computer), download or stream the Words on Screen™ eSongbook on multiple computers or a network. More specifically, this covers:
  • Installing (saving to your computer) Words on Screen™ song files from a CD ROM on to more than one computer or on to a network.
  • Downloading Words on Screen™ song files on to more than one computer or on to a network.
  • Streaming Words on Screen™ on more than one computer or on a network.
Will you remind me when I need to renew my licence?
Yes! If you buy your licence online we will send a notification email to the email address on your account when the licence is due for renewal. We will also show any licences due for renewal in the dashboard area of your account.
Where can I buy a new licence?
Annual Digital Site Licences and Annual Performance Licences can be purchased on the relevant product page or on the Buy Licences page of this website.
Can I create/upload recordings of Out of the Ark Music songs?
If you have a digital site licence you may:
  • Create a recording of the song/s with children singing over the top, whether with our backing track, our vocal track or your own backing track.
  • Upload and share digital content to your school's intranet, restricted internet or learning platform.
  • Share on public websites including the school's website, YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, Soundcloud, etc. However, Out of the Ark Music must be credited and an inbound link to www.outoftheark.com must be provided. Please note that Out of the Ark Music's original recordings may not be posted to public websites except as an accompaniment to the children singing.