Dragon Days

A Real Scorcher of a Musical
By Sue & Paul Langwade
11 Reviews
Ages: 7-11
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Looking for catchy songs, a hysterical script and a reason for your audiences to be on the edge of their  seats? This witty KS2 musical has everything you need for a smash-hit performance! Join the villagers of Stumbledorf as they await their rescuer to slay the mythical creature who overshadows their beautiful mountain home! Throw in an ancient prophecy, three wizened old crones and the rest of the lovable characters and you’ve got an adventure on your hands!

An Annual Performance Licence is required to perform this title. For more information, please click here.

It’s a hilarious adventure that’ll have your audience roaring!


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About Dragon Days

This cracking original story from the clawsome Langwade team is one you’ll not want to miss out on!

The Stumbledorf villagers need a hero to save them from their terrifically terrifying dragon... or do they? This story of adventure and heroism is set in the beautiful alpine village where we find Tommy Rumble! He plans to face the dangerous dragon in order to save the people of Stumbledorf... but can he do it? There’s only one way to find out…

From a ‘goat-eating’, overshadowing dragon to the heroic Tommy Rumble, the wisest of crones and SO many more fun and lovable characters, this musical has got a part for everyone! There are 68 speaking parts for your classes to get stuck into and LOVE bringing to life, and the script has the flexibility to include many more non-speaking parts for a bigger production!

Not only can this musical work for your end-of-year production, but some schools have even done it as a whole-school production, so that everyone can get involved in this adventure of a story! The script is adaptable for larger performances and we're sure you’ll be excited to hear our 20 fantastically dramatic sound effects and scene-change tracks that will really enhance your performance.

You'll find some handy resources in the book, from a brief history of pantomime to some casting tips, alongside all the usual extras, such as cast list and staging suggestions.

‘Wow. This performance has EVERYTHING.’

‘The kids and parents loved it! It's going to be hard to beat this production. A witty script, catchy songs and a perfect length. Everyone involved found it manageable.’

Sample Script:

View sample script.

An editable script is available for this product when you purchase a package that includes an eSongbook.

Cast List:

View cast list and staging suggestions.

There are 68 speaking parts in this production. This can easily be increased by adding more children to the large group scenes.

The 68 speaking parts can be easily decreased to 36 by reducing number of characters, splitting lines and doubling up parts. Further reductions would be possible with alterations to the script. See staging notes above for more details.

Running Time:60 minutes approx
(Total length of music: 27 minutes approx)

Songs with Rounds, Part-Singing and/or Solos:

  • So Alpine
  • Not Exaggerating
  • Snowfall
  • Dragon-skin Shoes
  • A Dragon’s Life
  • No Way Down
  • Don’t Judge

    Songs with Optional Harmonies:

  • Dragon Days
  • Snowfall
  • Don’t Judge

Licence Information

Annual Performance Licence Information - What You Need To Know

  • A current Annual Performance Licence is required to perform a musical or nativity to an audience (other than to pupils & staff), including an online audience, and irrespective of whether admission charges are made.
  • It is more cost effective to purchase an Annual Performance Licence as part of a complete product pack.
  • An Annual Performance Licence covers any number of performances of a particular musical or nativity within 12 months of the date of ordering. A separate Annual Performance Licence is required for each product title.
  • To renew your Annual Peformance Licence, log into your account if you have one and go to your My Licences section.

Find out more about what your Annual Performance Licence will legally cover you to do.

All of our eSongbooks come with a Single User Licence

  • This means you can install our Words on Screen™ software onto ONE computer only, or it can be streamed by a single user.
  • If you would like to install this software onto your network server and/or two or more computers, or allow multiple users to stream Words on Screen™ songs, this will be covered by your Annual Performance Licence which includes extended digital rights. For more information, click here.

Listen to Songs

Dragon Days
So Alpine
Not Exaggerating
Dragon-skin Shoes
A Dragon's Life
You Couldn't Make It Up
No Way Down
Don't Judge

Watch Videos

The following items are available for this product:

Teacher's Book

Teacher's Book

  • Music score and song lyric sheets for 9 songs (piano music score, melody and chords)
  • Curriculum notes with fabulously fun ideas to embed curriculum learning
  • Creative warm-up ideas
  • Discover your own dragon name page
  • Character list
  • Costume suggestions
  • Notes of props
  • Notes on staging & cast size
  • Script
  • Licensing and copyright details
Audio CD

Audio CD

  • Vocal tracks sung by children
  • Professional Backing tracks
  • Sound effects
Words on Screen™ eSongbook

Words on Screen™ eSongbook

  • An online Words on Screen™ product to stream or download
  • Extractable MP3s, printable lyrics, scores, scripts (including editable script*), & additional resources
  • Words on Screen™ versions of songs so that you can display song lyrics on any whiteboard, computer screen, television or interactive touchscreen. The lyrics synchronize with the music as it plays making them easy to teach and easy to learn
  • Flexibility to create an expandable library of Words on Screen™ song collections, nativities and musicals in your Out of the Ark online account
  • Enhanced operation features including ‘double-click’ to hear and teach a single line
  • Words on Screen™ user guide
  • Single-User licence (Please note a Performance Licence is still required to perform this musical)
  • Licence & copyright details
*For your convenience, we have provided an editable script in Word format for this nativity or musical. The purpose of the editable script is to allow you to adjust the allocation of speaking parts for smaller or larger cast sizes and/or to make minor changes to the text for staging purposes.
Annual Performance Licence

Annual Performance Licence

An Annual Performance Licence covers any number of performances of a particular musical or nativity within 12 months of the date of ordering. A separate Annual Performance Licence is required for each product title.

Find out more about what your Annual Performance Licence will legally cover you to do.

Rehearsal CDs

Rehearsal CDs

  • Vocal tracks sung by children
  • Professional Backing tracks
  • Sound effects
  • Available in packs of 5, 10 or 20
Premium Pack - The complete package!  

Book, Audio CD, Words on Screen™ eSongbook & Annual Performance Licence (Order Online Only. Price does not include postage)

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This pack includes a Words on Screen™ eSongbook which allows you access your songs, script and resources instantly. Physical products included.

Online Pack - Get started straight away! No additional postage costs.  

Words on Screen™ eSongbook & Annual Performance Licence Only (Order Online Only)

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This pack includes a Words on Screen™ eSongbook which allows you access your songs, script and resources instantly. No physical products included.

Standard Packs  

Book, Audio CD & Annual Performance Licence

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Book & Audio CD

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Annual Performance Licence (price per annum)

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A current Annual Performance Licence is required to perform this nativity to an audience (other than to pupils & staff). You can purchase an Annual Performance Licence above (it is cheaper when purchased as part of a pack).

£34.50 pa
Additional Resources  

Pack of 5 Rehearsal CDs

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Did you know that with the purchase of any of our eSongbook packs you can use Share Links to help your cast rehearse at home? Simply sign up for a FREE Sparkyard trial or subscription to access this function and much more!


Pack of 10 Rehearsal CDs

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Pack of 20 Rehearsal CDs

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Great songs but awful story

By Becky

The songs and music are great but the story/script is painful. Awful gender stereotypes and laboured humour. I attempted to adapted it to stop the female roles being so dated but ended up rewriting a completely different script using the songs. Worked beautifully and used the very singable songs. And we had a kick-ass, compassionate female lead that was a proper role model for my girls.

Reply from the Out of the Ark Team

Many thanks for your review. We are so sorry that this was your experience of the script of Dragon Days. It is never our intention to offend anyone and therefore I hope that the scriptwriter’s thoughts below will help to explain the reasoning behind the inclusion of the girls’ roles as they are in the script. Sometimes an author’s intentions and approach can be misinterpreted, so thank you for giving us this opportunity to explain them. Old Ma is based on a Panto Dame-type character, i.e. traditional rather than stereotypical. The part is intended to be played OTT to allow an actor to have fun with it. I accept that not everyone likes this sort of humour, but many people do. Gerda is conscientious (looking after her goats), brave (she follows Tommy up the mountain in order to protect him), non-judgemental (she accepts the Dragon) – all in all the voice of reason in a culture of unthinking prejudice. Therefore, I don’t see her as a negative stereotype. Girls/Boys. These are presented in a deliberately stereotypical way, with the intention of using this extreme representation in an ironic way to highlight how easily we fall into such cultural traps. One would hope that it would provide an opportunity for discussion around these issues. I had hoped that, as these characters sit within a piece whose main theme is the ridiculousness of mindless acceptance of stereotypes and what is fed to us through various media, the intended irony would be seen. There is, of course, a thin line between seeming to approve of something by representing it, and representing it in order to attempt to spotlight its failings. There is a risk of offence being inferred where none is intended. I am sorry if that has been the case here.


By lepoardboy85671

I've just purchased dragon days 3 days ago and i'm always learning the songs on my piano from the book and teaching the songs to my class. We're peforming it on Friday and it's working out really well!


By Nicky

It was amazing we haven't performed it yet but we have all learnt our lines I played old ma and the character is amazing and hilarious we have added our own touch but we are all exited to perform As we perform 4 or 5 times Thank you



Perfect for primary school children. Hilarious but also has a good moral

The greatest show in the whole, wide world!

By Shirley Primary School

"A perfect play for Years 3 and 4." "I loved listening to the soundtrack and everyone was lucky to get a part. I played Gilda and I loved it! I got to add a lot of expression especially when she went through the mountains!" "Being in Dragon Days and especially playing Villager 1, was a time that I will never forget in my whole life!" "I loved the hashtag song and the actions we added to the dance." "My mum loved the hashtag song so much that she even joined in with the hashtag actions!"

Fiery-wonderful musical!

By Fishycarrot

Wow. This performance has EVERYTHING! Catchy songs, hidden leimotifs and funny jokes, it's a wonderful experience for the entire school.


By critic

This is a very good play with 9 enjoyable songs.

The children were "sold" as soon as they heard the first song!

By St Mary's

The kid's and parents loved it! It's going to be hard to beat this production. A witty script, catchy songs and a perfect length. Everyone involved found it manageable.

It made grown teachers cry!

By Teresa - Carrington Infant School

Just a quick email to say how much we are enjoying performing Dragon Days. We had to adjust it a little bit – our children are Y2. Our soloists for Dragon skin shoes and a Dragon’s life made grown teachers cry!

A Great Success

By Headteacher - Wirral

Our Year 6 class have just finished performing Dragon Days and it has been a great success with the children and parents. The script is up to date with modern references (#Selfies) and the songs are catchy and appeal to Year 6 children. Thanks to the advice given in the script, it was easy and quick to adapt the show for a class of 35 children.

It is amazing!

By Wotton gilbert primary school

I loved acting as Gawain and the solo I had touched the hearts of many viewers. I was very happy that there was two chances of getting a solo. Some parts of the play were very funny,but this is the only play I've ever done that has a moral. Thank you for creating this extraordinary play!!! :-)

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