Fruit and vegetables aren’t just good and nutritious to eat, they come in handy for all sorts of things. Get your children to try these five activities based around them, then make sure you eat at least five different fruits and vegetables a day!
1. Spot The Difference
Watch this animation and find out how to tell the difference between fruit and vegetables.I wonder if there will be any foody facts here that will surprise you?
2. Is it a swan? Is it a teddy? No – it’s an apple!
Use the following links for inspiration then have a go at making your food into a work of art! (Make sure you get permission first!) If you don’t have access to the actual food you’d like to use, do a drawing of how it might look, ready to make it when the food becomes available.Mum Creates Amazing Life-Like Characters From Pieces Of Fruits And Vegetables.
Cooking for children - 50 fantastic Food Ideas For Kids And Picky Eaters.
3. Some Day My Prints Will Come!
Spud-u-like: Click here to see The Met Kids (The Metropolitan Museum of Art) website, which shows how to create a design, transfer it to a potato and make a beautiful print. If it comes out really well, you could frame it and give it to someone as a funky birthday or Christmas present! Or, make it into a card to send to them.Up the apples and pears*: Cut an apple or pear in half. Eat one half and think of as many describing words (adjectives) as you can to describe the taste, texture, smell etc. Then with the other half, make a print on to a piece of paper, by drying the fruit on some paper towel and then painting the flat surface. Write the variety of the apple or pear above the print and your adjectives around the outside.
Hint: Use a Thesaurus to supply you with lots of interesting, gripping, fascinating adjectives.
* Did you know that ‘apples and pears’ is rhyming slang for ‘stairs’?
4. And The Oscar For Best Supporting Vegetable Goes To....
Think Mr Potato Head: Make vegetable characters out of any spare vegetables, googly eyes, bits of fabric, card etc. you have to hand. Write a story about them and film them ‘acting out’ the story. Or draw some veggie characters and make a cartoon strip about their adventures. This link will help you get started.
5. Make Soup. Chop, Chop!
Eating soup is a great way to get your five a day without feeling like you’re having vegetables at all! You can use any combination of vegetables you like, but you might like to download the following recipe as a starting point:Vegetable Soup Recipe Cards
Or you could try a ‘smoothie groove’, using your favourite fruit to create a delicious drink:
Smoothie Recipe Video
Have a listen to Eat Your Greens taken from Sing™ Harvest. This song has a hilarious concoction of healthy fruit and veg, mixed with not-so-healthy food – and is quite a tongue-twister. Lots of fun!
For more fun singing ideas, here are our Top 10 fruit and vegetable songs for primary school singing!
- The Harvest List by Nikki Lewis from My World: Harvest. Ages 4+
- I Can Eat A Rainbow by Rebecca Kincaid from My World: Harvest. Ages 4+
- The Potato Song by Paul Field from My World: Harvest. Ages 4+
- We’ve Got Tomatoes! by Mark, Helen and Naomi Johnson from My World: Harvest. Ages 4+
- The Healthy Habanera by Mary Green and Julie Stanley from A Combined Harvest. Ages 5+
- Five A Day by Niki Davies from A Combined Harvest. Ages 5+
- The Vegetable Song by Paul Field from A Combined Harvest. Ages 5+
- Bean Harvest by Mary Green and Julie Stanley from Sing™ Harvest. Ages 5+
- The Singing Vegetables by Rob Stroh from Sing™ Harvest. Ages 7+
- Juicy Fruit by Rebecca Kincaid from Sing™ Harvest. Ages 7+
Written by Sue Langwade – Guest Writer for Out of the Ark Music
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Out of the Ark Music has been providing schools across the country – and world – with wonderful primary school musicals and primary school songs for nearly 30 years. Our Christmas musicals and nativity plays make children sparkle and shine, year after year, as they proudly perform their school Christmas play. Our extensive collection of fun and joyous Easter songs, harvest songs, school assembly songs, leavers songs and even space songs, fill schools with laughter and give students and teachers alike, a reason to sing every day of the week. We’re glad you’re supporting us in our dreams of creating the best music for schools around the globe. Read more about us here.