Happy World Book Day! This global event is now in its 21st year and is designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading.
There will be inventive activities taking place in schools all over the world, with children in over 100 countries participating. The power of music to bring joy and a different way of learning into the classroom is recognised by many experts and this started us thinking about which of our songs would be fun to sing in the classroom today.
So, here they are, Out of the Ark’s Top 10 Songs for Literacy:
I Like Books! – Songs For EVERY Growing School
By Mark & Helen Johnson
Age 5-11
A super celebration of books that will have you singing all the way to the library. With a groovy bongo beat this is an incredibly catchy song, ideal for celebrating the wonderful world of words.
Doodle Dazzle – Sing™ Something Silly!
By Paul Field
Age 5-11
A completely nonsensical song that promotes the enjoyment of silly rhymes, tongue-tantalizing sounds and the pure fun of crazy words. Offering lots of scope to incorporate your own nonsense words, there’s no end to the imaginative and creative loopy- literacy japes that could result.
Can You Think Of A Word? – The Niki Davies Calendar Of Songs
Niki Davies
Age 3-7
Fun, questioning lyrics with a satisfying ending when the rhyming word is found – excellent for introducing young children to rhyming words.
Hush – Pictures, Poems & Percussion
By Ann Bryant
Age 5-9
This is an invaluable resource for any teacher, music-specialist or otherwise. A beautiful poem with a magical backing track of other-worldly sounds that will mesmerize children and open the door to all sorts of questions and ideas about sounds, noise, words and much, much more, giving masses of scope for further literacy, music and topic work.
It's Great When You Know The Alphabet – The Niki Davies Book Of Lovely Literacy Songs
By Niki Davies
Age 3-7
A catchy little number that’s really good fun to sing and gives fantastic results when learning the alphabet.
In My Book – The Niki Davies Calendar Of Songs
By Niki Davies
Age 3-7
A simple song that celebrates reading, sparking imagination and fun through the scope of characters included.
Sounds – Pictures, Poems & Percussion
By Ann Bryant
Age 5-9
This poem by Ann Bryant is an amazing exploration of words and the ‘sounds’ they make – a rhythmical poem and a thrilling succession of percussive sounds. Written with scope to be used with percussion and visually stimulating pictures, this piece of work gives you plenty of opportunities for music making.
Three Little Pigs – The Three Little Pigs
By Niki Davies
Age 3-6
‘Cheerio, off we go’ ... so begins this charming little song that introduces The Three Little Pigs at the beginning of their journey into the big, wide world. A great song to use when reading this much-loved tale, or even better, use the complete Song & Story book and make a production of the whole thing. Perfect for a topic on traditional tales.
Who Was Willam Shakespeare? – William Shakespeare
By Mary Green & Julie Stanley
Age 6-11
A Tudor-style romp of a song giving you all the key dates, facts and figures of Shakespeare’s life along with a fantastic chorus packed full of lots of his most famous plays. Why not set your school the challenge to learn all the words in a week (Shakespeare Week) giving them the tools to quote Shakespeare facts for life?
Big Elephant – The Niki Davies Book Of Lovely Literacy Songs
By Niki Davies
Age 3-7
What better way to learn those tricky-to-spell words than with a song? Using great lyrics and rhymes, this song gives you some fantastic acronyms for the words ‘because’, ‘laughed’, ‘thought’ and ‘friend’, so you’ll never forget how to spell them again!
There will be inventive activities taking place in schools all over the world, with children in over 100 countries participating. The power of music to bring joy and a different way of learning into the classroom is recognised by many experts and this started us thinking about which of our songs would be fun to sing in the classroom today.
So, here they are, Out of the Ark’s Top 10 Songs for Literacy:

By Mark & Helen Johnson
Age 5-11
A super celebration of books that will have you singing all the way to the library. With a groovy bongo beat this is an incredibly catchy song, ideal for celebrating the wonderful world of words.

By Paul Field
Age 5-11
A completely nonsensical song that promotes the enjoyment of silly rhymes, tongue-tantalizing sounds and the pure fun of crazy words. Offering lots of scope to incorporate your own nonsense words, there’s no end to the imaginative and creative loopy- literacy japes that could result.

Niki Davies
Age 3-7
Fun, questioning lyrics with a satisfying ending when the rhyming word is found – excellent for introducing young children to rhyming words.

By Ann Bryant
Age 5-9
This is an invaluable resource for any teacher, music-specialist or otherwise. A beautiful poem with a magical backing track of other-worldly sounds that will mesmerize children and open the door to all sorts of questions and ideas about sounds, noise, words and much, much more, giving masses of scope for further literacy, music and topic work.

By Niki Davies
Age 3-7
A catchy little number that’s really good fun to sing and gives fantastic results when learning the alphabet.

By Niki Davies
Age 3-7
A simple song that celebrates reading, sparking imagination and fun through the scope of characters included.

By Ann Bryant
Age 5-9
This poem by Ann Bryant is an amazing exploration of words and the ‘sounds’ they make – a rhythmical poem and a thrilling succession of percussive sounds. Written with scope to be used with percussion and visually stimulating pictures, this piece of work gives you plenty of opportunities for music making.

By Niki Davies
Age 3-6
‘Cheerio, off we go’ ... so begins this charming little song that introduces The Three Little Pigs at the beginning of their journey into the big, wide world. A great song to use when reading this much-loved tale, or even better, use the complete Song & Story book and make a production of the whole thing. Perfect for a topic on traditional tales.

By Mary Green & Julie Stanley
Age 6-11
A Tudor-style romp of a song giving you all the key dates, facts and figures of Shakespeare’s life along with a fantastic chorus packed full of lots of his most famous plays. Why not set your school the challenge to learn all the words in a week (Shakespeare Week) giving them the tools to quote Shakespeare facts for life?

By Niki Davies
Age 3-7
What better way to learn those tricky-to-spell words than with a song? Using great lyrics and rhymes, this song gives you some fantastic acronyms for the words ‘because’, ‘laughed’, ‘thought’ and ‘friend’, so you’ll never forget how to spell them again!
We’d love to hear how you’re celebrating World Book Day in your school and whether you’re incorporating singing into your activities, but whatever you do, have fun and be creative!
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