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A Whole Ho-Ho Host Of Christmas Productions, Ready And waiting!
The Christmas season is a great opportunity for putting on a performance in school – a good sing is always lots of fun and when it’s coupled with the festive mood, it’s sure to create plenty of excitement! We all love a re-telling of the familiar nativity story but what else might you consider? At Out of the Ark, you’ll find lots of production ideas with our primary school Christmas plays and Christmas musicals – and don’t forget our popular panto-style productions. Whether you’re looking for an adaptation of a classic story, an original story, or a funny Christmas play, there’s something to suit lots of tastes and traditions!
Musicals To Blow Their Hats Off
Putting on a musical together brings so much excitement and a wonderful sense of belonging as the children work towards the same goal, experiencing the joy of performing and a safe space during rehearsals to try and try again. With wonderful opportunities for short lines to learn, fabulous songs to sing all together and percussion ideas, here are some of our top-selling Key Stage 1 musicals, all of which have so much scope for including the Early Years children in your school and are fabulously fun to perform!
Whisking Up The Perfect Panto
While there’s no step-by-step, generic recipe for creating our pantos, there are certainly a lot of ingredients that go in, and each has its own flavour, texture and twist. From the songwriters to the audience, it takes a lot of people to pull everything together along the way. Some of the ingredients come in the box and others you’ll need to provide. And just like a cake, things might not always go to plan, but that’s part of the fun! May Contain: Standing ovations, booing, hissing, cheering and toe-tapping, in true panto-style!
The Power Of Storytelling Through Musicals
Did you know, when you Google the term ‘Storytelling’, it’ll present you with Harvard Business Review reports about how ‘storytelling is a powerful tool for persuasion’, or how it’s ‘a vital marketing tool’. I’ve never seen storytelling as a means of manipulating customers. Whilst this kind of content might give storytelling a bad name, it proves exactly what I set out to write about today – that storytelling is rather powerful stuff, whether you’re capturing the attention of a small child with a BIG imagination, or you’re a lawyer trying to connect with his or her jury. I’d like to home in on the context closest to my heart; the power of storytelling through musicals.
Musicals Down Memory Lane
When you're part of an Out of the Ark musical – whether it’s as a performer, a parent, a teacher or in another role – it’s something that sticks with you for life! We’ve been speaking to past performers and past audience members to find out what it is that made their time so memorable and get some words of advice for those who are performing this year.
Instilling The Values Within You Are Special Through Crafts
With huge potential to help unpack key values of acceptance and self-worth, You Are Special is a beautiful musical that will touch the hearts and minds of teachers, parents and children alike. In this blog we have linked the values within You Are Special to several craft activities. We hope you enjoy them and we would love for you to share your class’s creations with us!
Top Tips For Putting On A School Musical
Did you pick the short straw? Are you organising the next end of term musical? If so, you are going to need these top tips to ensure it’s a successful school play! You’ve probably been trawling websites and catalogues lying around the staff room but it all seems a little daunting – what songs to sing, is the script suitable, have we got some strong actors and singers this year? You’ve got a busy time ahead so, to help you with your plans, here are a few tips.
A Guide To Taking A Bow On Stage
Teach your primary school students how to bow on stage and end their performance like a professional with our guide to bowing out in style!